The Bethlehem Museum Hosts Commemoration of the 35th Anniversary of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero’s Martyrdom

The Bethlehem Museum Hosts Commemoration of the 35th Anniversary of  Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero’s Martyrdom
  On March 24, the Bethlehem Museum featured a photography exhibition: Romero: Voice and Look of the Museum of the Word and Image (MUPI), of El Salvador. And the screening of the documentaries: "Remembering Romero," and "Romero: Voice of the Voiceless." His Holiness Pope Francis declared Oscar Romero of El Salvador a martyr February of this year, the same month that he announced the upcoming canonization of two Palestinian nuns, Blessed Mary Al...

After Thirty Years, The Bethlehem Museum for History, Heritage and Culture has Finally Opened

After Thirty Years, The Bethlehem Museum for History, Heritage and Culture has Finally Opened
After 30 years of patient determination, the Bethlehem Museum for History, Heritage and Culture finally opened on February 28, 2015. The Arab Women's Union of Bethlehem (AWU) initiated the Museum in 1977, but it was held from completion due to a variety of obstacles. The Holy Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF) saw the Museum's potential and knew it fit perfectly with the organization's mission. In 2012 HCEF partnered with AWU to bring the Bethl...